Entrepreneurs you adjusting to the pandemic?

Entrepreneurs how are you dealing with Covid-19?


2020 definitely was a year of unknown and uncertainties. The year ended on a grim note and tremendous disappointment to say the least. Needless to say Covid-19 uncertainties kept looming over all of us and we dealt with it as best as we could. We all suffered yet refused to throw in the towel. Entrepreneurs it is not too late or too ealry to thrive. In life progress often takes time and yes uncertainties are part of the process. In life uncertainties often humble us same could be said for business owners.

What is your business is all about? You started your business endeavor with a goal in mind, what is that goal? Do you still remember it, if so remind yourself? We often myself included run away from the uncertainties and the unknown, but what if the unknown is the answer? If as business owners we learn how to maneuver through obstacles when economy itself is shaky at best. If you can master running your business in a volatile economy imagine what you could do when economy shows signs of growth.

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This may not be making sense so far. Why should it, being inspired by uncertainties is insane at best. However if you recall as a entrepreneur as a business owner you embarked on a journey where uncertainties unexpected occurrences would be key aspects. Success is the goal which is given however the uncertainties of reaching that goal is anything but avoidable.

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Entrepreneurs Approach the uncertainties with determination

I saw this meme on Facebook once it reads “ tackle everyday with the confidence of a 4 year old with cape on“. Frankly I can relate to that. Look in uncertainties only fact we could rely on is preparing to take on the unexpected. If we wait for situations to get easier and better it would be a long wait. But if we focus on staying in control then well we call the shots. As an entrepreneur most have already decided to be in control, be their own boss. Well being boss means dealing with situations big and small.

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Out of the box thinking is the key

Think outside the box, don’t just be an entrepreneur be an innovator. If you are a restaurant owner clearly staying open and having guests at full capacity is not an option. Matter of fact in order to accommodate partially is costing you more. So focus on serving outside or only takeout. Focus on offering lunch and dinner catering for local businesses or events. If you are fitness trainer well you might be on the same boat. You might be able to offer online training sessions but take one step further. Hold training classes at parks or open fields where social distancing is manageable while offering training options that are fun. Like I said be innovative.

Understand the context

Do consider the fact, individuals who cannot come to you or your establishment still may need goods and services you provide. However lack of income, lack of accessibility might be making it difficult to reach you. So be proactive. Find a way to be somewhat reachable and accommodating. Not only does it put you in a better footing with the clients it also puts you in a position to reinvent yourself.

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Entrepreneurial ideas and executions

An entrepreneur essentially brings his or her ideas, visions to life. Entrepreneurial ideas often provide a solution to a problem, offers ways to make life better or sometimes just passing time more enjoyable. What is your entrepreneur ideas? All the captains of industries had this notion in common, their vision or entrepreneur ideas made the world a better place or different in someways for better or worse.

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To summarize in uncertainties what we look for is reassurance. Clients, consumers, neighbors, friends, family all need reassurance. During any crisis there are opportunities to rise to the occasion, so look within your business your skillets to transcend.

Amazon is having a huge event during the second week of October. Which means those who already shop from Amazon will look for deals for the up coming holiday season. Business owners you must find a way to reach your clientele, you need to show how you have something to offer. Retail giants like Amazon lacks the personal touch and impact you could have on your customers. Don’t underestimate your relationship with your clientele, power of direct engagement and the face that goes with the business.

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Estimated reading time: 6 minutes

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