Movies!! Entertainment or storytelling?


We all love movies, don’t we? Streaming or going to theater. Some more than others. Movies make us laugh, the also make us cry. It also gives us joy other times they make us emotional, sad even. They can make us feel joyous, festive, inspired. Sometimes movies tell real life stories.

Date night, family night and yes even watching movies during class in school, traveling well you get the picture. There are so many activities revolved around cinerma.

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Evolution of cinema over the years

Motion pictures have been through a stunning evolution over decades. The very first motion pictures dates back to 1888, Louis Le Prince used a motion picture camera to produce the movie. Fast forward 132 years now streaming services such as Netflix, Prime, Hulu, Apple Tv producing motion pictures which we could watch on tv, laptop, tablets and yes even phones. Netflix is sort of the pioneer of streaming productions. Now we can stream practically almost anywhere.

Carpool Cinema drive-in movie event

Do you remember which movies you loved the most growing up? Maybe you still love them just as much. In an essence watching the movies you loved as kids are a bridge to the memory lane. For me it’s Home Alone (1 and 2), Goonies, Beverly Hills Cop, Die Hard (1, 2 and 3). They remind me of a chapter of my life I get to fondly treasure. It could also be reminders of many fantastic events of life’s journeys. Maybe the first movie you watched with the love of your life, you could watch over and over. Or it could be a movie that cheers you up when feeling down, you feel regrouped. Movies that are part of the family holiday seasons. You get the idea.

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Netflix, Hulu, Prime, Max and other streaming services gave us an outlet in 2020 to be entertained during a pandemic lock down and social distancing. Yes the theater industries took it in the chin. However streaming services became the primary option to watch movies and stay distracted.

movie blog moment 31

Family night, date, going to the movies have been a huge part of our social construct. We are fascinated by movies. Fiction or non-fiction, there is a certain allure to the cinema.

Telling a story

Movies tell stories, and characters in the stories sometimes relatable. A class clown, or a jerk boss, an inspiring coach, or clueless teenager. These characters on the big screen capture emotions which seldom we could relate to. Sometimes movies inspire us because they are based on true stories. Sometimes even fictions make us feel joy, sadness or optimism.

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Sometimes movies give us a character we need in life. Other times it’s a feeling, or just a break to feel recharged.

A humorous exchange, an intense car chase, a fiery speech and so much more could be a takeaway from great movies. The stories often make us feel something that might be missing from our lives.

Let’s take love and romance for instance. Even subconsciously we think about movies when it comes to love and romance. And god knows Hollywood gave us a plethora of selections. Same goes for inspiration, pain, loss, triumph and so on.


During the “stay at home” mandate streaming has become a huge part of passing time. Though Netflix pioneered online streaming now more companies are taking part in this pivotal move of online streaming. HBO Max, Prime, Hulu and more later followed this trend.


Online streaming is almost the new mainstream for watching movies. VHS, DVDs, Blue Ray are obsolete or almost obsolete. Digital streaming such as Netflix, Hulu, Prime, Apple Tv are the becoming the primary source to watch movies, tv shows, sports, news and more. HBO Max has started streaming newly released blockbuster titles. Netflix also joined in by releasing new titles in 2021 on a monthly basis.

Peek into the selections on HULU, Netflix, Amazon, HBO Max and more. For the time being online streaming might be the best option to stay away from coming to contact with other individuals. And let’s face it online streaming also make it easier to have a family movie night for any occasion.

Upcoming and New Movies in 2024

  • Beverly Hills Cop 4
  • Wolves
  • Fall Guy
  • The Beekeeper
  • Napoleon
  • Argyle

Movie & Tv review by our humble experience

  • Meet Joe Black: This is as close to a romantic movies as I have enjoyed. The legendary Anthony Hopkins and Brad Pitt, truly an amazing due in this movie. The speech by Anthony Hopkins character truly demonstrates why he is the legend he is.
  • The Gentlemen series: Netflix streaming truly lived up to the hype with this show. The cast, the plot and the twists and turns did not disappoint.

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

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