Discipline and hard work, do we need both for success?


What is the secret to success? It’s one of the most common questions we often ask. Is there a simple answer? Maybe no, but there is a fundamental component. Combination of discipline, focus and hard work. Discipline would not have an impact without hard work when it comes to climbing the ladder of success.

Having a regimented lifestyle could be challenging for many. It takes a tremendous amount of mental fortitude. But at the end it is rewarding.

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Regulate and repeat

How do you define discipline? What is the first thing come to mind when you think about it? Is it certain sets of rules and guidelines, or is it certain rituals? We often draw a connection between discipline and being strictly regulated. If you think about it, all of those make sense.

In life for any type of success we need a plan and map to execute.


Discipline provides a road-map to our goals. It helps us forge a pattern. Waking up at a certain time, going to bed early are both examples of discipline. Eating healthy over eating whatever we want to is another example of it.

In the most basic sense, discipline is choosing options that provides structure.

Why maintaining discipline is so difficult?

Discipline enforces certain parameters in our decision process or choices. Often, we hear the word we imagine strict and regimented, and yes discomfort Matter of fact they all might be applicable. First and foremost, comfort is like an anchor when it comes to success. However, I don’t mean we should be miserable rather need to accept we have to challenge our abilities. Focus on the goal.


Everyday it’s a challenge, at least for me. Every morning I wake up with an intention to be regimented. However, situations often causes me to take a detour. Finally I learned to accept it’s more about my mindset. It all starts with a strong

Simplify it

Discipline is not a barrier or a brick wall. It’s not comprised of discomfort or agony. To me it’s a dynamic tool or a blueprint for achieving goals, betterment and reaching the next stage in life or career. I hate getting up early in the morning. I dread that alarm in the morning. But getting up early in the morning sets the tone for my entire day’s productivity level.

I myself have few different interpretations of discipline. The one I often say to myself is it is like eating my least favorite vegetable to a achieve good health. It is a tool to reach any goal in life.

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Focusing on the big picture helps establish structure. According to focus 3


The great Les Brown said and I’m paraphrasing ‘ doing the hard things now makes life easier down the line’. Bad eating habit leads to poor health as we get older.. We put in the minimal amount of work we get minuscule results. Doing the hard things, practicing self-control, not giving into impulses constantly are reflection of discipline.

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